Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Prova per un'amica!

I'm showing a friend how this blog works!
Now I will put in a photograph.
And then I will publish it.
Barcelona's marketplace! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

I Vinarelli

At 2.00 in this video, I am shown spraying one of my Vinarelli from last year. In the background another of my pieces created with watercolours and wine.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Incontri RavviCINAti at Bettona, August 24

Tomorrow evening, August 24 at 7:30pm the event "Medicina Made in China" will host my photography exhibition "Incontri ravviCINAti" in Bettona, Italy. A very rich evening of a conference on Chinese medicine, then a buffet dinner which is offered by the Pro Loco of Bettona. There will also be a film and during the evening my photographs will be available for viewing in the room that leads out to the garden area.
All are invited, hope to see you there.  

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

i Vinarelli 2013

This is what it is like to paint at i Vinarelli! Hundreds of people walking by, and eighty or more artists painting on long tables in the middle of the town of Torgiano. Not an easy feat but possible.

Woman with wine, painted with wine and watercolours, acrylic details 

Green haired woman, watercolours, wine and acrylic detail on paper. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

"Medicina Made in China" -- Photography exhibition

A selection of  Chinese photographs from my exhibition shown in various Italian cities in Umbria, will now be exhibited on Saturday August 24 at Bettona during an event which the town presents again this year,
"Read, taste, see"
Here is the poster regarding the evening, as well as ones they have had this month.

Here is one of the photographs to be exhibited, two men smiling for their photograph during construction work in the beautiful city of Dalian, voted Best Tourist City of China,  2007. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Incontri ravviCINAti, photography exhibition in Bettona

August 24 I will be exhibiting a selection of my photos of China, photographs
 taken during my stay in Dalian China. The evening will be very enjoyable
 with a dinner based on rice dishes as well as the projection of a film.