Monday, August 25, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

I Vinarelli a Torgiano video, with my artwork shown

Un video creato durante l'evento i Vinarelli. Proprio alla fine del video due dei miei lavori, ed io mentre dipingo.

This is a video created during the event i Vinarelli. At the end of the video I am shown while painting, and two of my artworks can be seen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I Vinarelli at Torgiano 2014

Last night at Torgiano, painting on paper with wine and watercolours. during i Vinarelli.
Fun dining with a dear friend, Moreno Chiacchera and then sitting next to him as we both created our paintings. It was an occasion also to meet up with different friends who showed up for this original event in Torgiano, about twenty minutes from Perugia.

Old friend, marvelous illustrator Moreno Chiacchera using wine to paint with

Working with watercolours and wine 

Dear friends, Carlo Fatigoni video maker, artist  and Silvia 

Carlo Calderozzi, sax player showed up for the evening 

Fun photo with artist Pietro Crocchioni 

Very friendly group of artists at our table 

Work in progress 

The public walks by the tables and watches artists while they paint 
Finished piece with collage and gold paint, watercolour and wine 

A second painting, watercolour and wine 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Watercolours for Barilla

There are a couple of little watercolours I did for a little booklet years ago sponsored by Mulino Bianco, Barilla. Each page gave hints about getting up in the morning, breakfast.