Thursday, October 29, 2015


In the year 2012 I had the great possibility to fly to Oregon
 to visit my very good friend.
It was Halloween time and
my friend volonteers at the Q Center in Portland. We helped 
decorate and set up for a party there.Here is a paper cut-out
 I made to decorate a window, while people were being made up for the party.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Eurochocolate 2004 and Stephanie Seymour's DELISHOES

Important to let people know that years ago in 2004 I was the original creator of DELISHOES, a collection of shoe sculptures that looked very much like chocolate shoes.
There were many articles written about my exhibition in the papers, here are a few of them dating in 2004-2005.
 In Chocolate and Chocolate magazine and pictures of my shoes 

The Eurochocolate program, 2004 with writing about my exhibition 

Marie Claire magazine 2005. The leopard shoe with tail is my design, which then inspired other designers to place tails onto shoes. 

Vanity Fair and one of my shoes designed for Stuart Weitzman in New York. The shoes then went on to Chicago (this was a second commission from the designer, to produce chocolate-looking shoes).

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Rione Cassero, Foligno 2015 - exhibition of illustrators and cartoonists

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting on the closing day, the rich and varied exhibition organized by friend, well-known cartoonist and illustrator, Moreno Chiacchiera.
Rione Cassero at Foligno, Italy. More than 90 illustrators, with the most varied techniques in one of the antique palaces of Foligno.
 Together with my artwork of friend, writer and humorist Marco Cannavò
 (black and white artwork to my right) 

Artwork, mixed media

 One of the rooms hosting the exhibition.

 Moreno Chiacchiera and I having fun in front of the poster
 of the exhibition.


and three!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Rione Cassero a Foligno

Ecco la mia illustrazione per l'evento organizzato da amico bravissimo artista Moreno Chiacchera per Foligno: Rione Cassero, 2015. Catalogo in vendita dei disegni e illustrazioni di tanti illustratori e fumettisti.
La mia  illustrazione è di amico Marco Cannavo (organizzatore di grandi eventi intorno a fumetti, scrittore, ecc)  Grazie Marco di aver fatto da modello per me!

Ci vediamo alla fine della mostra, purtroppo non ci sarò per l'inaugurazione, in bocca al lupo a tutti!

Here is my illustration for the event organized by friend and excellent illustrator Moreno Chiacchera for Foligno's Rione Cassero, 2015. A catalogue with be on  sale at the exhibition of  illustrations of many cartoonists and illustrators present.
 Thanks go to Marco Cannavò, here present in my illustration.
I won't be present for the opening but will make it for the closing.  Best of luck to all!

Friday, August 14, 2015

eXpone - fotografie di Architetto Andrea Dissette

Grazie all'Architetto Andrea Dissette per aver scattato queste belle fotografie dell'inaugurazione eXpone a Rosolina ieri.
La mostra continua fino al 23 agosto, 2015.

Auditorium di via Marconi, Rosolina (Comune di Rovigo)

The Mayor of Rosolina cuts the ribbon
opening the exhibition. To the right, Simone Martinello, curator of the show.

Together with the artists present at the opening, Barbara Truzzi, Francesca Giraudi, Simone Martinello who created the event, Claudia Corò, me, Cristina Zaninello

Me, presenting myself and my work 

Mystery Cactus

Timid Beauty, one of my newest works

Guests visiting the exhibition in the magnificent Auditorium, ex-church

Rosolina collective art exhibition eXpone

Just returned from Rosolina in the area of Venice, Italy where the collective exhibition began just yesterday in the splendid Auditorium, ex-church of St. Anthony in Rosolina.

The show, curated by Simone Martinello showed the works of the following artists whom I had the pleasure to met just yesterday.

The artists are Claudia Corò, Francesca Giraudi, Barbara Truzzi,
 Cristina Zaninello and Alice Andreoli. All were present for the opening except for Andreoli. 

The work was displayed amongst fishermen's netting, creating a 
very unique and interesting installation.

Here are a few photos of the opening. The show continues until August 23. Hours open
 14-16th of August 9.30-12.30, 19.30-23.30
 and 17-23 August from 10.30-12.30 and 20.30-22.30

Simone Martinello with the artists 

Guests at the opening

From the second floor a view of the main floor of the ex-church

Installation of paper boats, where a workshop for children begins on the 
14th hosted by Cristina Zaninello

Fishing nets that created atmosphere in the installation

Entrance of the Auditorium in Rosolina

Part of the exhibition with my Cactus Ladies 

The alter exhibiting a piece of artwork of each artist and religious
 pages creating an interesting and modern installation expressing that the church
 is no longer used as a church but for cultural events.

Barbara Truzzi, one of the artists, singing and playing keyboards
 during the opening of the exhibition

Having fun with the artists!

The End.
Until we meet again!

Monday, August 10, 2015

Rione Cassero, Foligno

This month I will be present with an illustration 
in this exhibition in Foligno, Rione Cassero. 

Together with the show of illustrators and cartoonists 
will be another exhbition honoring Jacovitti, famous
 cartoonist from years ago in Italy. 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Mostra collettiva a Rosolina, eXpone

Thursday August 13, 2015  I will be partecipating in a collective exhibition
 in Rosolina in the province of Rovigo.
The show begins at 8pm in  the ex Church of Sant'Antonio
 of Rosolina, now the auditorium of Via Marconi, Rosolina.

I will be displaying a selection of my Cactus Ladies along with new works 
created in the last few months. The event has been created and cured by Simone Martinello.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Galleria 4 e 25 Spoleto

Today, July 10, 2015 I painted outdoors in front of La Galleria 4 e 25 in Spoleto.
These are the last days of the Festival at Spoleto, people go to the many art shows, concerts, events.
My artwork is on display in the Gallery up until July 12th.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Spoleto - extemporary painting at Galleria 4 e 25

Tomorrow, Friday July 10 at the GALLERIA 4 e 25, I will be painting outdoors in front of the gallery.
For those visiting Spoleto, please come by to say hello and see my paintings on display in the gallery.
I'll be there from about 4pm until 8 or so....
Spoleto is beautiful during the Festival!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Outdoor painting today in Spoleto

Ath the Galleria 4 e 25 today  July 5, I will be painting an oil painting outdoors directly in front of the gallery.
The Galleria is located just meters from the exit from the escalator which brings you into town from the parking lot.
Or, just continue up the road to La Torre dell'Olio area, and large signs indicate the gallery. I will be there painting from 4pm on, probably until 8.30 or 9pm.
In the gallery is a display of my works, this is one of them "Sunday Shirt", oil.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

La Galleria 4 e 25 - exhibition in Spoleto

SPOLETO FESTIVAL and exhibition at
La Galleria 4 e 25

This coming Friday, June 26 at 5.30
  is the opening of a collective show
in which I will be exhibiting several new works.

 The collective exhibition of paintings is part of the vast array of items on display in a gallery which hosts the work of artisians --  handmade items varying from jewelry, purses, decorations for the home,  furtniture, etc.

For a link to the gallery, click on  

The opening day coincides with the opening day of  the 58th edition of the
  Spoleto Festival di Due Mondi (The Festival of Two Worlds)
celebrating all arts: theater, dance, fine arts in the most wonderful hill town, Spoleto.
The link to the festival is here:

Here is one of my pieces on display, "Camicia della domenica" (Sunday Shirt), oil on board

In addition, I personally will be
painting outdoors, at the Galleria 4 e 25 
on the following dates: 
Sunday, July 5 beginning at 4pm
Friday, July 10 from 4pm.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Collective art exhibition

Coming up very shortly, a collective art show.
 Here is a detail of one of the several new pieces that will be on display. 
Details shortly coming up.

This is a framed acrilic work, 40x45cm, "White Hair". 

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wake up Italy

I love it.
It's fresh.
It's exciting.
It puts reality in its right place. Right there smack in front of you.
It's young, the people who make up the society, who see what is what.
Italy, wake up!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Collective art show at Pucciarella Cantina, Magione

May 30-31, this coming weekend, at Pucciarella Cantina at Magione.

For the event I have created three new pieces with "wine" as a theme.
Should be a most spectacular event since this winery is extraordinary in its beauty, as well as the road that leads to it.
I'll be there, if you care to contact me:

Friday, May 15, 2015

Borgo Sant'Antonio Spring Event Sunday, May 17, 2015

Event at Borgo di Sant'Antonio, Perugia

Sunday in Perugia there will be a very delightful event in which I take part with a painting with SHOES at a theme.
At Borgo Sant'Antonio all sorts of things will be happening.
For the Italian version, click on the link above.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Chalk pastels

A detail of a little pastel drawing I did yesterday. Such an exciting way to blend colors quickly, and a good medium for those who love to experiment.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

The painting has begun

My project for the end of the month is underway.
Here is a detail of one of the paintings I started, where also there will be construction with wood, etc making the piece 3-D.

Constructing and painting and a little parmesan cheese

New project of construction and painting. Planning, buying, putting together. Designing, drawing, painting, hoping it will all work. 

The designing process

  putting the pieces together

In preparation painting.

And while these processes are underway, the artist has some delicious Italian parmesan for an energetic snack. 

Sunday, May 10, 2015

New project for the end of the month

Have a new project going which will be displayed for the end of the month during Cantine Aperte (open wineries).
Here are a couple of behind the scenes pictures ...