Saturday, December 24, 2016

Charity auction -- for earthquake victims

53 works of art will be auctioned off in Perugia this January 14, 2017
 with proceeds going  to the earthquake victims here in Italy. 
One of my paintings will be present. 

Friday, December 23, 2016

Oh boy, Jet Lag!

Jet Lag is a funny thing,
 but not that funny the day before Christmas
, when all through the house not a creature
 is moving except for those who have jet lag.

Yesterday I went for a well-needed nap, late, at 4pm. At 8pm I found the lights on in the hallway and thought "Why didn't my husband close the door while he gets ready for work now at 6.45am!?" Then my hand felt that I had jeans on....WHAT?...I thought...Jeans on for sleeping all night???

Only then did I realize that it was 8 and he had come home from work and I had slept four full hours after being back from the USA for a bit over a week. What a lot of confusion!! Where AM I and what am I doing at all these strange hours?

So, friends, observers of my blog, people far away, and others in and on my timezone.

Travel is wonderful, travel is marvelous, but it can do strange things to our inner clock.
Here it is 5.15am in Italy, and 8.15pm in the States where I just came from. Today is a fun and busy day, daughter will arrive from another Italian city, and tonight a big wonderful meal at my relative's house. Tomorrow a nice meal here, the house to be straightened up and food cooked but boy oh boy....I am going to be tired with all this jet lag....

Hello, goodby, good morning and good night to you all!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Umbria Una Foto al Giorno

During the last year there has been a lot of attention given to a page on Facebook, Umbra-Una-Foto-al-Giorno (Umbria, one photo each day).

Photographers have posted photographs taken in the Umbrian regione, from stunning panoramas to details of typical scenes in the towns of Perugia, Norcia, Trasimeno Lake, etc.

Hundreds if not thousands of photographs were posted, and a selection of the best of these photographs, 365 of them, were presented at Perugia at Sant'Anna Church a couple of months ago.

Now, the final book of these words, plus one photograph making them 366 has been published and presented just yesterday, Dec 17, 2016 at the stunning Nun Relais Spa in Assisi, during a presentation of the event in which all proceeds of the book will go to the people who have recently lost everything during the earthquake in the area of Norcia.

The following are some photographs from both the presentation at Sant'Anna months ago, and yesterday's presentation in Assisi. Here also is my photograph taken on the stairway of the Acquadotto in Perugia of a bicyclist who I caught while he courageously pedaled downwards on this famous landmark of Perugia.

The cover of the pubblication of the 366 most beautiful photographs of the
 year chosen on the Facebook page "Umbria Una Foto Al giorno"

Sant'Anna, Perugia -- initial presentation of the 365 photographs chosen 
as best of the year during Umbria Una Foto Al Giorno

My photograph of a bicyclist going down one of the well-known landmarks
of Perugia, l'Acquadotto

 Nun - Relais Spa in Assisi and presentation of the book of
 photography Umbria Una Foto al Giorno

From left Marco Romoli, Marco Cozzari, Rubens Piovano, Silvio Aguzzi, Riccardo Regni

 Francesco Fofi with Giancarlo Micarelli on the screen via skype,
 Silvio Agazzi and Robens Piovano

Silvio Agazzi and Rubens Piovano taking a photograph of the public

Rubens Piovano presenting the event and Fabio Paltrinieri

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Super Moon

Last night I had a super time photographing the super moon from Perugia's historical city centre.
But first I photographed it as I drove up to the center.
Here is one of the photographs taken from right under the University for Foreigners.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Bathroom Art Youtube video

I just had some fun (after a bit of work) making this video for Youtube called "Bathroom Art" 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Agenzia Stampa Italia - article by Sarah Minciotti - my exhibition THE OTHER SIDE

Translation of the article written by writer, singer, composer Sarah Minciotti of my exhibition


(ASI) Perugia - Anyone wishing to embark on a meaningful journey in art astonishment through the emotions of color, shapes, varied content that painting gives off, can very well do so by going to visit the exhibition "The Other Side" by American artist Stephanie Seymour at Gaia Gallery in Papiano (Marsciano-Perugia), on display from October 15 to November 20, 2016 with opening hours every day from 10 to 13 and from 16 to 19.30.

The event is curated by Pino Bonanno and has been placed in the context of the Twelfth "Contemporary Day" established by AMACI. (For information and contacts:; tel. 3473652984).

The works of Stephanie Seymour all have an unbreakable bond: depth and color, colors are strong and determined as ecstasy imprints art of this painter not only essential but more ironic sometimes. playful woman, an interrogater, restless and curious as in the character of  healthy children when the great questions about the world, the surrounding scenery, the equations and the enigmas of life are the essential lifeblood to find out the reality. His paintings tell of lives that intersect with ours, while we pause to learn their contours observing the manifold production of this artist of California at Los Angeles who lives in Umbria for many years.

Paradoxes repeated in most iconographic forms of figures that are imprinted on the canvas as to radiate the static restless of life, the dynamics of the eternal return of the equation or never stable of concepts that transpire from perfection, from irregularities of exposed people.

For this painter, illustrator and American photographer is not (only) an exponential multiplication, but existential: Who is man? Or who is Stephanie Seymour?

In "The Other Side" there are questions not only about the artist in question but above all on themselves. The man who investigates through looks, poses, eyes that is 'wide open' in the mirror without ever reaching a solution, is the man that yes, it looks from the outside, but from within is the real star of life , of what he sees and what he lives. There never is a  separation between artist and the observer that creativity produces never parish. Stephanie Seymour offers a 'world' in which she herself is a reflection of all of us, as well as art is life in all its complexity, in every color, intense or dull, rational or irrational, or just playful mocking ... Paintings a pictorial naturalness where every brushstroke is in the right place and where each color says and gives her space to time that goes beyond its horizon. And even where there is the contrast of colors, it seems to re-emerge even other colors and shades, as if to signify that even if the colors are not seen are still within the perceptual world of being and existence. Faces and images painted with very sinuous and almost surreal in the ability to settle on the canvas without misled by a millimeter: the canvas at the bottom is that space where time, the dynamic, the form and substance of things have their bond. Is the artist with his talent to know how to say it in so little space. Stephanie Seymour succeeds naturally and those who can enjoy the great creative power of this woman, will understand perfectly what is hidden to most people, being able to sense the ultimate expression of the self, potential that takes the form of the soul. This is the true art of Seymour: grasp the essence and dynamics dispute of the things that are interwoven and which seem to have no links ... But instead they thin the bond of life and union with the transcendence of reality with reality transcendent that becomes part of the new and unique in time monograms and color, space and synchronicity, interiority and consciousness, self-irony and pure actuality. All thickened by crystalline colors, effective, full of shiny softness, the colors defined but that capture the human soul polychrome, radiated from the look with which the heart rests and dips into reality. snapshot of a busy life that makes Seymour a real artist, a real big woman, who always offers us new answers before questions. With the taste of wonder. Sarah Minciotti - Agency Print Italy

Agenzia Stampa Italia - articolo di Sarah Minciotti

seyeur copy(ASI) Perugia -  Chi volesse intraprendere un viaggio significativo nello stupore dell’arte attraverso le emozioni del colore, delle forme, dei contenuti variegati che la pittura sprigiona, può benissimo farlo andando a visitare la mostra “The Other Side” dell’artista americana Stephanie Seymour presso la Gaia Gallery di Papiano (Marsciano-Perugia), in esposizione dal 15 ottobre al 20 novembre 2016 con orari di apertura tutti i giorni dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 16 alle 19,30.                                                                                                                        
L’evento è a cura di Pino Bonanno ed è stato inserito nel contesto della Dodicesima “Giornata del Contemporaneo” istituita dall’AMACI. (Per info e contatti: ; tel. 3473652984).
Le opere di Stephanie Seymour hanno tutte un legame inscindibile: profondità e colore, colori forti e decisi sono come impronte dell’estasi artistica di questa pittrice non solo essenziale ma il più delle volte ironica. Donna giocosa, interrogatrice, inquieta e curiosa come è nell’indole sana dei bambini in cui le grandi domande sul mondo, sui panorami circostanti, sulle equazioni e sugli enigmi della vita sono la linfa essenziale per scoprire la realtà. I suoi quadri narrano di vite che si incrociano con le nostre, mentre ci si sofferma a carpirne i contorni osservando la produzione multiforme di quest’artista californiana di Los Angeles che vive in Umbria da molti anni.
Paradossi ripetuti in più forme iconografiche di figure che si imprimono nelle tele come a irradiare la staticità irrequieta della vita, la dinamica dell’eterno ritorno o dell’equazione mai stabile dei concetti che traspaiono dalla perfezione o dalle irregolarità dei soggetti esposti.
Per questa pittrice, disegnatrice e fotografa statunitense non c’è (solo) una moltiplicazione esponenziale, ma esistenziale: chi è l’uomo ? Oppure chi è Stephanie Seymour ?
In  The Other Side” ci si interroga non solo sull’artista in questione ma soprattutto su se stessi. L’uomo che indaga attraverso sguardi, pose, occhi che si ‘spalancano’ dentro lo specchio dell’anima senza mai raggiungere una soluzione, è quell’uomo che sì, osserva da fuori, ma che dal di dentro è il vero protagonista della vita, di ciò che vede e di ciò che vive.
Non c’e mai separazione tra artista e colui che osserva ciò che la creatività produce senza mai perire. Stephanie Seymour propone un ‘mondo’ in cui ella stessa è un riflesso di tutti noi, così come l’arte è la vita in ogni sua complessità, in ogni suo colore, intenso od opaco, razionale o irragionevole, beffardo o solo giocoso… Quadri di una naturalezza pittorica dove ogni pennellata è al giusto posto e dove ogni colore dice e dona il suo spazio al tempo che va al di fuori del proprio orizzonte. E anche dove c’è il contrasto dei colori, sembra riemergano pure le altre tinte e sfumature, come a voler significare che i colori anche se non si vedono sono sempre all’interno del mondo percettivo dell’essere e dell’esistere. Volti e immagini dipinte con forme molto sinuose e quasi surreali nella capacità di stanziarsi sulla tela senza fuorviare di un millimetro: la tela in fondo è quello spazio dove il tempo, la dinamica, la forma e la sostanza delle cose hanno un loro legame. Sta all’artista con la sua bravura saper dire tutto in così poco spazio. Stephanie Seymour ci riesce con naturalezza e coloro che potranno gustare la grande capacità creativa di questa donna, capiranno perfettamente quello che si nasconde ai più, potendo intuire la massima espressione del Sé, potenziale che prende forma dell’anima.
Questa è la vera arte della Seymour : cogliere l’essenzialità e la controversia dinamica delle cose che si intrecciano e che apparentemente sembrano non avere nessi… Ma che invece hanno sottilissimo il legame di vita e di unione con la trascendenza del reale, con la realtà trascendente che diventa parte nuova e unica nei monogrammi di tempo e colore, spazio e sincronia, interiorità e coscienza, autoironia e pura realtà effettiva. Il tutto addensato da colori cristallini, efficaci, pieni di pastosità lucente, di tinte definite ma che catturano la policromia dell’animo umano, irradiato dallo sguardo con cui il cuore si posa e si immerge nella realtà.
Un’intensa istantanea di vita che fa della Seymour una vera artista, una vera grande donna, che ci propone sempre nuove risposte ancor prima delle domande. Con il gusto dello stupore.
Sarah Minciotti - Agenzia Stampa Italia

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Opening day The Other Side

Opening of my exhibition THE OTHER SIDE at Gaia Gallery, Papiano of Marsciano (Perugia), Italy.
A good crowd, many artists, friends who came from a distance to see the exhbition and enjoy a buffet afterwards.
                                    Fiorenza Mosci, writer and friend who presented the show. 

                          Pino Bonanno, curator and owner of Art Farm Gaia and the Gaia Gallery.

The first floor of the gallery which hosts four larger works. On the floor above another seventeen works varying from 30x30cm to 60x90cm, works in acrilic and oil on canvas.

Here are some of the pieces on display:

Se io fosse te, 100x100cm                                                          Vuoto moderno, 100x100cm
Blue jazz, 60x80cm acrylic                                                               Gioventù solare, 60x80cm acrylic
 Timid ballerina, 40x50 acrilic

Bon ton, 40x50cm acrilic

Quick shopper, 40x40, oil 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Press Release for THE OTHER SIDE

Saturday October 15, 2016, during the event AMACI (Contemporary Art Day), the opening of the personal art exhibition “The Other Side” will be held at 7pm at Gaia Gallery, Strada per Caprareccia, 220, Marsciano – Papiano (Perugia) of the artist Stephanie Seymour, with the presentation by Fiorenza Mosci.
The exhibition is an event organized by E20Gaia.

Between irony,  social commitment, the need to represent the limits that  existence imposes, the pleasure of letting go to the aesthetics of creating, to the incessant dialogue with  color and its mysteries, Stephanie Seymour fascinates us with her works in the exhibition "The Other Side ".

The exhibition is a project in which the search for one’s self  exalts through sustained action of internal analysis. Seymour is an artist who stubbornly pursues  responses between landings and departures, in the need to crystallize the poetic inclination of life, invisible and elusive of this present illusion.  She is a diviner who has an urgent inner need to give shape and structure of language to her emotions.

Hers is an expressive and human universe, dense and complex: her art lives on poetry and, at the same time, is extraordinarily visionary. It is expressed on the border between  dreamlike and surreal, and  takes unpredictable forms, never predictable.

Her attention is to the psychological relationship between
herself and  reality that surrounds her, in the attempt to imagine other identities that enable them to live and overcome the increasingly suffocating  and repetition of everyday life.   

The nature of humanity and her deep poetic feeling is the center for artistic reflection that finds its maximum expression in intense chromatic elaboration  full of suggestions for insatiable soul-searching.
The exhibition is also a reflection on  woman and her role in relationships with  reality that surrounds her.  As body and character, precious presence and misunderstood human figure, strong and weak.              Pino Bonanno

Artist:  Stephanie Seymour
Opening :  Saturday October 15, 2016, 7pm
Gallery:  Gaia Gallery, Strada per Caprareccia, 220 – Marsciano-Papiano (Pg)
Dates:  15 Ottobre   –  20 Novembre 2016
Curator:  Pino Bonanno
Presentation of exhibition: Fiorenza Mosci
Hours open: Monday to Sunday 10am-13pm  – 4pm – 7.
Secretary organizers:  E20 Gaia - e-mal: -  tel.+39.347.3652984                

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Third prize won - La Nobil'Ebbrezza Montepulciano

While out of the country this past August (I was in Chna)  I learned of my winning third prize in the art competition at Montepulciano
during the contest/art exhibition

"La Nobil'Ebbrezza"

Here is a photo taken by Pippo Biribim of me in front of my painting "Red Wine Woman"

THE OTHER SIDE of Stephanie Seymour in the program of AMACI

With just a little over a week from my exhibition THE OTHER SIDE 
that will be held at Art Farm Gaia in Marsciano (Papiano), Perugia, Italy,
 below is the link to  the latest post on Facebook by Pino Bonanno,
 curator of the show regarding the show and how it is related to AMACI this year. 

This year as in other years, GAIA GALLERY partecipates, in the
  "Day of Contemporary Art" which is on October 15 and part 
of the program of AMACI  (Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums).
 My exhibition begins on that day and is listed as a part of the events planned for this special day.

Click on the following link to view my event

 listed on the AMACI website

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Painting exhibition THE OTHER SIDE of Stephanie Seymour

I have the pleasure to announce my painting exhibition opening OCTOBER 15, 2016 at 7pm
at the Gaia Gallery in Papiano (Marsciano), Perugia.
Below, a map together with the Press Release of the event.


Sabato 15 Ottobre 2016, nell’ambito di AMACI (Giornata del Contemporaneo), s’inaugura, alle ore 19, 00 , presso Gaia Gallery, Strada per Caprareccia, 220, Marsciano –Papiano (Pg) la mostra “ The Other Side” dell’artista Stephanie Seymour, con la presentazione di Fiorenza Mosci
La mostra è un evento organizzato da E20 Gaia.

Fra ironia, impegno sociale, esigenze di rappresentare i limiti che l’esistenza impone, il piacere di lasciarsi andare all’estetica del fare, al dialogo incessante con il colore e i suoi misteri, Stephanie Seymour ci affascina con le sue opere nella mostra “The Other Side”.
La mostra vuol essere un progetto in cui si esalta la ricerca del sé attraverso un'azione continua di approfondimento interiore. Seymour è una artista che insegue ostinatamente risposte tra approdi e partenze, nel bisogno di cristallizzare la propensione poetica della vita, invisibile e imprendibile del presente illusorio. Ella è una rabdomante che ha l’urgente necessità interiore di dare forma e struttura di linguaggio alle sue emozioni.
Il suo è un universo espressivo e umano denso e complesso: la sua arte vive di poesia e, al tempo stesso, è straordinariamente visionaria. Si esprime sul confine tra la dimensione onirica e quella surreale e assume forme imprevedibili, mai scontate.
Usa molta attenzione al rapporto psicologico tra sé e la realtà che la circonda, nel tentativo di immaginare altre identità da vivere e che le facciano superare la quotidianità sempre asfissiante e presupponente.
La natura dell'umanità e del suo profondo sentimento poetico è il fulcro della riflessione artistica che trova espressione massima nelle elaborazioni cromatiche intense e piene di suggerimenti per la sua insaziabile ricerca interiore.
La mostra è anche una riflessione sulla donna e il suo ruolo nel rapporto con la realtà che la circonda. Come corpo e come carattere, preziosa presenza e incompresa figura umana, forte e debole.

Artista: Stephanie Seymour

Inaugurazione:  Sabato 15 Ottobre 2016 ore 19, 00

Sede Espositiva: Gaia Gallery, Strada per Caprareccia, 220 – Marsciano-Papiano (Pg)

Durata della manifestazione:  15 Ottobre   –  20 Novembre 2016

Curatori dell’evento:  Pino Bonanno
Presentazione della mostra: Fiorenza Mosci

Orario:  da Lunedi a Domenica: 10/13 – 16/19, 30

Segreteria Organizzativa:  E20 Gaia - e-mal: -  tel.+39.347.3652984                

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Painting with wine at i Vinarelli 2016

FUN evening at Torgiano at i Vinarelli.
Lots of artists, wine, painting.
Here are photos taken by my husband of the event, along with me and two paintings done with watercolors, mixed media, and wine!

First painting finished!

Old time friend, Moreno Chiacchera, well-known illustrator and cartoonist

My second painting of the evening, grapes escaping from the crowd! 

Lots of painting going on and lots of public.

Mayor of Culture at Torgiano, Silvie Bèal and I

Always nice to have people genuinely follow what you are creating 

My first finished piece created with watercolors and wine 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Olympics, China, and my father

I am particular fond of China, have several personal reasons for this, as well as having had extraordinary experiences when there.
My first trip in 2007.....I had bought a little Olympus camera and took many photographs of the people there. When I arrived back to Italy where I live, I had my first photography show with the photos of this trip entitled "Incontri ravviCINAti", close (Chinese) encounters.

When we stayed in Dalian China for six weeks, I stopped people and took close-up photos of them. It was quite an experience, a very moving one.

But also, I was lucky to be able to photograph all the Olympic sports in magnificent sculptures in a huge plaza in the city of Dalian. Here are just a few on this post.

The Olympics are also in my father was an silver medalist winner as a javelin thrower in the 1948 Olympics in London.
A curious note, when I discovered that Missoni, famous Italian designer has also been in the Olympics that year (I had read it in the newspaper) I wrote to him personally asking if he had met my father (my dad died years ago). He never wrote to me but I got the surprise of a PHONECALL from him where he burst out with "Sono MISSONI!!" It was a delightful conversation, and on his part, a very nice gesture. Perhaps that is the Olympic way.....

So, here my photos also contain the javelin sculpture.

I have a full collection of all of the sports, and they are magnificent larger than life sculptures.

Monday, August 8, 2016

Photoshoot with my favorite model

Here's how I spent a few hours
 this afternoon,
 doing one of
 my favorite things, 
photographing my
 favorite model. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

La Nobil'Ebrezza - opening day at Montepulciano

Opening day of  La Nobil'Ebrezza at Montepulciano in the hills of Tuscany.
Here are some photos taken during a fabulous opening, with a lively group of artists, in a marvelous atmosphere ending with a long table of artists enjoying anything but dull conversations!

Partecipating artists

Entrance to the Fortezza (Fort) where the show is being held on the second floor

 Officials who spoke about Montepulciano and this exhibition

 Presentazione by Silvia Rossi who curated the show

Officials speaking 

Courtyard, wine, cheese, etc....

Views of this magical town