Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Carlo Calderozzi on sax

Carlo Calderozzi, an Italian saxophone player recently performed at my art exhibition, and what a performance!
On May 3 he accompanied singer Sarah Minciotti in the beautiful ex church Santa Maria della Misericordia. Then afterwards he did some improvisations (jazz) going around the show, stopping at different paintings or photos and playing alone on the sax, to the pleasure of the many visitors at the show.
Here are some photos of Carlo, some here at home when he and Sarah came to practice together, and also during and after the event.
Check out Carlo's page on facebook, he is a serious musician, and  a pleasure to work with. 

Here is some information about Carlo, written for the brochure and press release, in Italian: 

"Anche se la musica ha dei limiti, l'arte è infinita, immensa ..."

"Carlo Calderozzi, sassofonista perugino, classe 1968. Ha iniziato a studiare musica a 7 anni, diplomandosi poi in pianoforte classico. Da autodidatta ha suonato pure la chitarra e il sax; quest'ultimo strumento gli ha dato una certa notorietà, ed e' con esso ch'egli s'e' esibito in vari concerti in ogni parte d' Italia, sia come solista che in gruppo od orchestra bandistica. Il suo genere prediletto e' il free-jazz."

"La musica è la tua virtù, la tua saggezza, la tua esperienza. Se non è nei tuoi pensieri e non fa parte della tua vita, non uscirà dal tuo strumento"

Carlo Calderozzi during the exhibition, May 3, 2014 in Perugia

Improvising jazz around the paintings of the exhibition.

During his performance, while being filmed on television 

May 3rd concert with Sarah Minciotti

Jazz improvisation

Carlo and Sarah

At home with the musicians 

Carlo Calderozzi 

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