Sunday, February 12, 2017

My photography in IL CORPO SOLITARIO of Giorgio Bonomi

"Il corpo solitario, volume 2" (self portraits in contempory art)
 is a collection of hundreds of self-portrait photographs created by international photographers. Giorgio Bonomi, art critic and author of this second volume, has gathered a vast and rich selection of the most varied works showing both photographs in  color and black and white.
 and includes  a review of each artist and a brief description of his work.

The 369 page book was produced by Rubbettino Editor (

Here is the review of my work included in the book. 
Above is one of the several photographs of mine that is published.

Translation of test of Giorgio Bonomi, art critic and author of 
“Il corpo solitario: volume 2” (The solitary figure, volume 2)
 Stephanie Seymour, American,  who has lived in Perugia, Italy for many years, obtains “classic” effects with veils and double exposures, and not just by chance. A painter, she arrives later to photography,  but her previous experience facilitates the  optimization of her photographic results that with their contrasts of light and color offer  fascinating results to the observer.  Her appearance appears discreet, almost shy,  photographed with soft lighting or double exposures as if to reiterate, once again, Pirandello’s “one,  nobody and a hundred thousand”.  An ironic and witty personality, the artist in self-portraits although wrapped/dressed in improbable clothing, looks serious and thoughtful, confident of the depth of this research. 

Testo di Bonomi, critico d’arte e autore di “Il corpo solitario: volume 2”
L’americana che vive da anni a Perugia, Stephanie Seymour ottiene effetti classici con velature e sovrapposizioni, e non a caso. Pittrice, arriva più tardi alla fotografia, ma l’esperienza precedente le facilita l’ottimizzazione dei risultati fotografici che, nei loro contrasti di luce e di colori, si offrono affascinanti all’osservatore. Il suo sé appare discreto, quasi timido, ripreso con luce soffusa o moltiplicato, come a ribadire, ancora una volta, il pirandelliano “uno, nessuno e centomila”. Personalità ironica e spiritosa, l’artista negli autoritratti, sebbene tra/vestita con abiti improbabili, appare seria e pensosa, sicura della densità di questa ricerca.

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